Professional Scrum Master I (PSM I) Mock Exam (Practice Questions)
Are you preparing for the Professional Scrum Master I (PSM I) exam to gain your official certificate? You have come to the right place!
Download our 160 hand-picked PSM I mock exam practice questions, which are based on the latest version (November 2020) of the official Scrum Guide and resemble the official exam questions to prepare yourself in the best possible way for the exam!
The questions are in multiple-choice format and Yes/No format. For questions with multiple choices, one, two or three answers can be correct (there is always a hint in the question).
The questions cover all areas of the Scrum guide, including Scrum history and theory, the 3 pillars, 5 values, the accountabilities, events, rules, artifacts and their 3 related commitments. Going through all the questions should ensure that you get a very solid knowledge of the Scrum guide, which is paramount before taking on the PSM I.
Questions were written by a professional Scrum trainer, Scrum Master and Agile coach who holds PSM I and PSM II in addition to various other Agile certificates (Agile Certified Professional, Scaled Agile Program Consultant, ScrumInc. Scrum Trainer, etc…)
Our PSM I mock exam format
Similar to the actual PSM I exam, the PDF file contains 80 questions and the related correct answers at the end.
If you want, you can also print the mock exam questions in high quality for practicing offline.
To simulate the actual exam, you should take all questions in one go and you should set a timer for 60 minutes. The passing rate is 85%, which means that you need to have at least 68 correct answers to pass the exam.
The Professional Scrum Master I is relatively difficult in comparison to other Scrum Master credentials – the passing score (85%), time limit (60 minutes) and number of questions (80) all contribute to that difficulty. Good preparation based on the Scrum guide, relevant books and reliable practice exams is required.
The PSM I costs 150 USD. After having purchased the exam from, you will receive a one time password by email which you would need to enter just before the exam. This code has no time expiry and you have one attempt to clear the exam.
The PSM I passing score is 85% which is relatively high in comparison to the number of questions to answer (80) and the time limit (60 minutes). Certified Scrum Master (CSM) and Registered Scrum Master (RSM) have lower passing score and number of questions.
In case you are getting acquainted with Scrum, you will probably need between 2 to 4 weeks of self study with 1 to 2 hours per day. Self study should be based on the Scrum Guide, relevant books and reliable mock exams. Important is to practice with time limit (45 seconds per question) and understand what is/what is not Scrum.
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