Try our free quiz and see where you stand before attempting to pass the PMI-ACP. The quiz contains 15 multiple choice questions based on the Agile Practice Guide.
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PMI-ACP exam introduction
Try our free quiz and see where you stand before attempting to pass the PMI-ACP. The quiz contains 15 multiple choice questions based on the Agile Practice Guide.
ACP stands for Agile Certified Practitioner and is developed by the Project Management Institute (PMI). The PMI-ACP was the answer of PMI to the growing needs of its members to have their Agile experience recognized and set up a valuable certification in a buoyant Agile market.

The actual test itself has 120 questions, a passing score determined by psychometric analysis and a time limit of 180 minutes. Questions are in the format of multiple choices and you have one attempt to clear the exam. Besides English, a few other languages options are available.
It is important to note that agile experience is required to be eligible to take the test – should you want to know more about the PMI-ACP itself and its market value, we recommend this post.
Free PMI-ACP exam sample questions
Are you ready to try your know-how on the topic? Just click “Start Quiz” and jump right into our free PMI-ACP exam sample questions!
The quiz contains 15 practice questions and has a passing rate of 80%. There is no time limit for the quiz and you can try it as many times as you like. The answer order will be randomized for each try.
PMI-ACP mock questions

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Correct answer:
Your Answers
The questions focus on the knowledge contained in the Agile Practice Guide as published by the Project Management Institute (PMI). Although not necessarily representative of the PMI-ACP exam, the questions focus on fundamental knowledge that you should acquire prior passing this exam.
Other free PMI-ACP exam related resources
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Do you want more mock exams for other topics?
Amazing! We have a selection of other free mock exam practice questions for the following topics:
Feel free to try them as often as you like and let us know what you think about them!
We hope that this will help you in your path to Agility and please feel free to reach out to us for feedback!
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